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Int 50 Fn 0006  - Vanderaart Text Windows - Edit Line In Window            [V]

   AX = 0006h
   ES:BX -> text string
   CH = type of input (see below)
   DH,DL = row,column of upper left corner
   DI = window handle

Return: AX = key which terminated entry
       0000h Enter
       0001h Esc
       0002h Down arrow
       0003h Up arrow
       0004h F10

Values for type of input:
 00h   everything
 01h   uppercase only
 02h   positive numbers
 03h   Dutch postal code ("9999 AA")
 04h   'J' or 'N' (Dutch yes/no)
 05h   telephone or FAX number
 06h   positive or negative number
 07h   date (dd/mm/yy)
 08h   money
 09h   '1' through '8'
 0Ah   '1' through '4'
 0Bh   uppercase filenames

This page created by ng2html v1.05, the Norton guide to HTML conversion utility. Written by Dave Pearson